Omega-3 fatty acids and the Mediterranean diet could help ward off acne

Following the Mediterranean diet and taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements could help people manage mild to moderate acne, according to a small international study. The researchers recruited 60 people with acne, almost all of whom were not getting enough omega-3 fatty acids before the study. They say when the participants followed the Mediterranean diet and took the supplements, it lead to reductions in both inflamed and non-inflamed acne and the participants reported a greater quality of life.

Journal/conference: Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology

Link to research (DOI): 10.1111/jocd.16434

Organisation/s: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

Funder: No funding was received. Omegametrix® GmbH performed the
analysis of the HS-omega-
Index® free of charge. Queisser
Pharma GmbH & Co. KG offered omega-3
supplements free of

Media release

From: Wiley

Can omega-3 fatty acid intake affect acne severity?
In a study in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology that included 60 individuals with mild to moderate acne, following the Mediterranean diet and taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements led to significant reductions in inflammatory and non-inflammatory skin lesions, as well as improved quality of life.
Notably, 98.3% of participants had omega-3 fatty acid deficits at the start of the study. Acne severity lessened significantly in those who reached target omega-3 fatty acid levels during the study.
“Lifestyle interventions, including dietary recommendations, should not be considered in opposition to prescription medications, but rather as a valuable adjunct to any modern acne treatment plan,” said corresponding author Anne Guertler, MD, of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, in Germany. “Future studies should build on the foundation laid by our current findings in a randomized, placebo-controlled design to improve dietary recommendations for acne patients.”

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