What non-science activities have made you a better scientist?

Recently, our commenters shared suggestions of the best non-science books to read in order to become a better scientist. Now I’m wondering: what non-science activities have made you a better scientist? So, not something you read, but something you did?

In an old comment thread on a different topic (sorry, can’t find it now), a commenter mentioned that theater training had helped him improve as a seminar speaker.

For me, it might be sports coaching. Both coaching youth baseball as an adult, and receiving coaching back when I was a (very slow) x-country runner in college. Those experiences have helped me get better at giving feedback to mentees.

Ok, over to you! What non-science activities have made you a better scientist? Looking forward to hearing your stories.

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About Jeremy Fox
I’m an ecologist at the University of Calgary. I study population and community dynamics, using mathematical models and experiments.

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