EXPERT REACTION: Call for more investigation into potential Ozempic mental health risks

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2024-08-21 01:00

***This media release contains information some readers may find distressing as it refers to data about mental health, suicide and self-harm. If you or anyone you know needs help, support is available now. Call Lifeline (Aus) on 131 114 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636, or Lifeline (NZ) on 0800 543 354. *** There may be a disproportionately high risk of suicidal thoughts among people using semaglutide (such as Ozempic and Wegovy), according to international researchers who say this possible link needs to be looked at closer and communicated to the public. The team analysed a WHO database of suspected adverse drug reactions to compare the rate of suspected semaglutide-related suicidal thoughts with other similar drugs. The researchers say reports of suicidal thoughts were slightly higher than expected for semaglutide, even when compared to other diabetes drugs. The researchers say they can’t prove using semaglutide causes this higher risk of suicidal thoughts and it’s unlikely that the risk would outweigh the benefits of the drug for most people, but the link needs to be investigated further so those who may be vulnerable can be appropriately informed of the risks.

Journal/conference: JAMA Network Open

Link to research (DOI): Paper


Funder: Dr Schoretsanitis reported receiving personal fees from HLS, Dexcel, Saladax,
and Thermo Fisher outside the submitted work. Dr.Weiler reported being a member of the Human Medicines
Expert Committee of Swissmedic. No other disclosures were reported.

Media release

From: JAMA

About The Study: In this disproportionality study of an adverse drug reaction database, researchers identified a disproportionality signal of suicidal ideation with semaglutide, but not for liraglutide, particularly among patients with co-reported antidepressant use, a proxy for affective disorders (a notable exclusion criteria of premarketing clinical trials). A detected signal of semaglutide-associated suicidal ideation warrants urgent clarification.

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