Next Level Genomics obtains Certified Service Provider status for Oxford Nanopore Technologies sequencing

Singapore-based next generation sequencing and spatial genomics service lab Next Level Genomics obtains Certified Service Provider status from Oxford Nanopore.
Next Level Genomics (NLG) of Singapore has obtained Certified Service Provider status from Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) for their work on the PromethION-24 sequencing platform. Next level Genomics specializes in the use of long-read sequencing for DNA and RNA data generation, as well as bioinformatic support using ONT’s Epi2Me analysis platform.
The addition of the Oxford Nanopore Technologies’ PromethION-24 system to the capabilities of NLG’s Singapore based lab provides for greater throughout for large genome sequencing projects, as well as direct RNA sequencing capability and delivery of ONT’s Adaptive Sampling technology for rapid, ease-of-use targeted sequencing without the need for hybridization capture methods. The flexibility of the ONT system allows for sequencing a complete range of samples from plasmids to metagenomics to large genomes – all with built-in methylation base-calling and a number of proven bioinformatic pipelines ready for quick analysis.

“We’ve been very impressed with how streamlined the ONT protocols are for generating data quickly for both DNA and RNA samples using the PromethION system. And the flexibility and control of data generation using the PromethION flow cells is impressive, especially the re-usability of the flow cells and the stability of the pores. We look forward to serving the research community in Singapore and beyond with this ever-evolving technology as a certified service provider,” stated Dr David Klinzing, Chief Technology Officer of Next Level Genomics.

About Next Level Genomics Pte Ltd: Next Level Genomics is a Singapore Biopolis based company offering specialized genomics research services for quality long-read genomics sequencing (ONT and PacBio Revio) and Spatial multi-omics services and consultation. Next level Genomics Pte ltd is a Flagship Service Provider for Nanostring (now a part of Bruker) providing CosMx, GeoMx and nCounter services through a joint lab in conjunction with Nanostring and the Genome Institute of Singapore.
Source – EIN Newswires

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