#RealTimeChem Ambassadors: Apply now! | Doctor Galactic & The Lab Coat Cowboy


Since 2012, chemists around the world have been connecting on Twitter using #RealTimeChem to tell the everyday story of their lives in chemistry. The number of tweets using #RealTimeChem has exceeded 70,000 during that time and it remains one of the most used hashtags by the ever growing community.

From its incpetion #RealTimeChem has be curated solely by me (@Doctor_Galactic), but times they are a changin’ and as the community has grown it has been necessary to look at ways for #RealTimeChem to evolve and grow with it. I have never tried to control the hashtag in any significant way, it has developed organically and is the sum of all the wonderful chemists who have tweeted over the years. So, it makes sense now to open the proverbial doors to the community and invite you to take part in #RealTimeChem’s future.

Hence, the launch today of the #RealTimeChem Ambassador program.

Program aims

The overall aim of the ambassador program is to promote and grow the #RealTimeChem community and providing a home for chemists on Twitter. This will be achieved by recruiting an inclusive and diverse range of chemists covering a whole range of chemistry subjects from across the entire world. It is envisaged that we will recruit up to 12 ambassadors with 2 from each continent (bar Antarctica).

Each ambassador will generate #RealTimeChem content based upon their everyday chemistry and experiences, but they will also find and promote chemistry within their local community and subject area by flagging it with the hashtag. Ambassadors will also be encouraged to engage with the community to generate discussions and build a supportive network.

Other opportunities for Ambassadors may include (but are not limited to):

running themed weeks where they will “take over” the @RealTimeChem feed.chairing #RealTimeChem socials online. promoting, running and taking part in #RealTimeChem Week events.

Interested? Here is how to apply.

If you would like to put yourself forward to be a #RealTimeChem Ambassador then please send your application via the following Google form:


A note about expectations: Please note that this is NOT a paid position. There is no external funding for #RealTimeChem, although it does often work with partners on events. Ambassadors will not be expected to spend a set amount of time working on #RealTimeChem, only what they can spare in their free time.

If there are any questions about the program or applying please either DM via @RealTimeChem on Twitter or email realtimechem@gmail.com.

– Dr Jay and Laura S –

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