Design and performance analysis of a mid-infrared broadband thermally tunable metamaterial absorption device based on the phase-change effect

We propose a structurally simple, innovative, and multifunctional mid-infrared broadband thermally tunable metamaterial absorption device. The absorption device consists of a three-layer structure, from bottom to top: Ti substrate, SiO2 dielectric layer, and patterned VO2 layer. Through temperature control, the average absorption intensity of the absorption device can vary between 0.08 and 0.94. The absorption device’s absorption mechanism is rooted in the thermal phase-change characteristics exhibited by the topologically patterned VO2. When the temperature is below 340 K, VO2 is in a dielectric state, resulting in near-total reflection performance in the mid-infrared range. When the temperature is above 340 K, VO2 undergoes a dielectric-to-metal transition, enabling the absorption device to achieve an average absorption rate of 94.12% in the ultra-wideband range of 6.26 μm–20.96 μm in the mid-infrared. This absorption range completely covers the atmospheric window wavelengths of 8 μm–14 μm, demonstrating high practical value. We explain the working mechanism of the absorption device from the perspective of the electromagnetic field. Subsequently, we study the variations in the absorption curve of the absorption device at different temperatures of VO2 and use the changes in the electric field at the same wavelength under different temperatures to explain the variations in absorption. Compared to previous work, our structure has only three layers in a single unit, making it easy to process and produce. Additionally, the absorption device’s operating bandwidth and average absorption rate in the mid-infrared range have been significantly improved. Furthermore, the absorption device exhibits substantial incident angle tolerance and polarization insensitivity. We believe that this design has broad application potential in future optothermal conversion, infrared stealth, and thermal radiation.

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