Exploring Smell, Scientific Writing & Teaching – Naturally Speaking

In this episode, Mar Pineda and Nic Strowbridge are joined by Professor Matthew Cobb from the University of Manchester. Professor Cobb is a researcher, author, and scientific communicator. He was voted as our postgraduate students’ number 1 choice for our 2023 Darwin Day speaker. He kindly accepted our invitation and presented a fantastic talk on chemical communication and smell.

His scientific work predominantly focuses on the evolution of smell, using examples of behaviour, genetics, and chemical communication. Alongside his scientific research, he has published many popular science books. Professor Cobb is also a contributing writer for the New Scientist and the Guardian, as well as a frequent guest on BBC Radio 4. A summary can be found here.

In this podcast, we mention some of Professor Cobb’s latest work looking into the history of the DNA double helix founders, James Watson, Francis Crick and Rosalind Franklin. Be sure to check it out here.

Feature image: Noses of the Hunterian Zoology Museum, taken by Mike Rutherford and Nic Strowbridge.

Post: Mar Pineda and Nic Strowbridge.

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Intro and outro music sampled from: “The Curtain Rises” and “Early Riser” Kevin MacLeod [CC BY 3.0]

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