Using a tablet more as a preschooler linked to problems regulating anger and frustration

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2024-08-13 01:00

Using a tablet more as a preschooler is linked to more problems regulating anger and frustration, according to international research. The team collected data from over 300 parents of preschool aged children on how frequently their kids were using a tablet and having outbursts of anger and frustration. They say at 3.5 years old, using a tablet for about 1 hour and 15 minutes more a day was linked to about a 22% increase in outbursts a year later, and this association continued for tablet use at 4.5 years old and outbursts at 5.5. This study cannot prove that tablet use is causing these difficulties in regulating emotion, however, the researchers say it suggests tablet use in early childhood could be contributing to a cycle that is disrupting their ability to learn emotional regulation skills.

Journal/conference: JAMA Pediatrics

Link to research (DOI): 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2024.2511

Organisation/s: Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

Funder: All phases of this studywere
supported by grants from the Canadian Institutes of
Health Research (474993-2022; Drs Fitzpatrick and
Garon-Carrier), the Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council (CRC-2021-00009; Dr Fitzpatrick),
and ResearchNova Scotia (2061-2019; Drs Fitzpatrick
and Harvey).

Media release

From: JAMA

About The Study: Child tablet use at age 3.5 years was associated with more expressions of anger and frustration by the age of 4.5 years in this study. Child proneness to anger/frustration at age 4.5 years was then associated with more use of tablets by age 5.5 years. These results suggest that early-childhood tablet use may contribute to a cycle that is deleterious for emotional regulation.

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