Introducing #RealTimeChem Ambassador (Europe) – Andryj Borys

Hi everybody,

Back in February we opened up applications to become a #RealTimeChem Ambassador and we are very pleased to be able to announce the first set of newly appointed Ambassadors.

So without further ado please meet our first #RealTimeChem Ambassador:

Andryj Borys

I’m Andryj, and I’m a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Bern in Switzerland. My current research explores heterobimetallic s- and d-block complexes, but main-group chemistry, particularly phophorus, is my true passion. I love sharing and seeing cool photos or crazy NMR spectra through the #RealTimeChem hashtag on Twitter, and enjoy interacting with the active and diverse chemistry community.

Please join us in saying a big hello to Andryj either in the comments below or, more likely, on Twitter! We’ll be working with Andryj and all of our other new Ambassadors to generate new and exciting content for #RealTimeChem in the coming weeks, months and years ahead! More ambassadors to be announced soon!

If you’d like to apply to be a #RealTimeChem Ambassador check out how here.

Signing off.



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