Evaluation of particle tracking codes for dispersing particles in porous media

Trajectory patterns illuminate PT method variationsTo understand PT performance at a visual level, we plotted a small window of trajectories for the bimodal and...

A novel investigation of NANOG and POU5F1 associations in the pluripotent characterization of ES-like and epiblast cells

Digestion and culture of testicular cellsES-like cells were generated from 7-week-old C57BL/6 mouse testis. The neonatal mouse was killed, and both testes were removed...

A unified framework to analyze transposable element insertion polymorphisms using graph genomes

Wells, J. N. & Feschotte, C. A field guide to eukaryotic transposable elements. Annu. Rev. Genet. 54, 539–561 (2020).Article  CAS  ...

ImmuneApp for HLA-I epitope prediction and immunopeptidome analysis

Mass spectrometry-eluted HLA ligandsMono-allelic dataSingle-allelic EL datasets were collected and processed from the training data of NetMHCpan-4.149 and MHCflurry-2.051, which was carefully processed and...

Quantifying constraint in the human mitochondrial genome

Karczewski, K. J. et al. The mutational constraint spectrum quantified from variation in 141,456 humans. Nature 581, 434–443 (2020).Article  ADS  ...

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