Modelling protein complexes with crosslinking mass spectrometry and deep learning

Crosslink simulationWe simulate SDA crosslinks with XWalk27 with a 25 Å Cα-Cα cutoff and trypsin digestion. XWalk identifies cross-linkable residue pairs based on solvent accessibility,...

Evaluating information management system in epidemic infectious diseases in Iran

Study designThe present study was an applied research conducted in 2022, consisting of five stages with no interventional or clinical trial method. All methods...

The Aphasia Recovery Cohort, an open-source chronic stroke repository

Rocher, L., Hendrickx, J. M. & de Montjoye, Y.-A. Estimating the success of re-identifications in incomplete datasets using generative models. Nat. Commun. 10, 3069...

Validation of neuron activation patterns for artificial intelligence models in oculomics

Experiment overviewDatabaseThe UKBB is an open-access research resource containing health information for over half a million participants from the UK who were initially recruited...

Evaluation of RNA extraction library preparation methods to detect viral RNA from different sample matrices

Human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue base products (HCT/Ps) are required to comply with the donor eligibility requirements as per 21 CFR part...

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