Optical trap experiments pick up recoil of a single alpha particle blasting off | Research

Despite the 125 years that have elapsed since Ernest Rutherford first figured out that the particles emitted during alpha decay amounted to a helium...

Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano recently erupted like a stomp rocket

air pressure: The force exerted by the weight of air molecules. ash: (in geology) Small, lightweight fragments of rock and glass spewed by volcanic eruptions. (in...

Computer program ‘paints’ porphyrin structures in the style of famous artist | Research

A computer program has been created that can ‘paint’ molecules in the style of Piet Mondrian – a Dutch artist known for his unique...

This squid-like ‘fairy lantern’ plant is new to science

biodiversity: (short for biological diversity) The number and variety of species found within a localized geographic region. Borneo: The largest island in Asia and third...

Chinese-born chemist cleared of last conviction under US’s espionage probe | News

Following a five-year legal battle, Chinese-born former University of Kansas chemistry professor Feng ‘Franklin’ Tao, who was arrested and convicted under the former Trump...

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