Poliovirus that infected a Chinese child in 2014 may have leaked from a lab

Samples destined for destruction at a Paris institute trigger a virological “detective story”

After cosmic dark ages, what burned away ubiquitous clouds of gas? NASA telescope finds surprises

JWST reveals a surfeit of ultraviolet light from the first stars and giant black holes—clues to the universe’s reionization

Viagra and other unlikely candidates lead hunt for new longevity drugs

A mouse study running for decades has found promising compounds for extending life—and ruled out many others

Famed Polynesian island did not succumb to ‘ecological suicide,’ new evidence reveals

Genomic, archaeological data show population on Rapa Nui, or Easter Island, never “collapsed” as some had argued

Suspicious phrases in peer reviews point to referees gaming the system

Hundreds of scientific papers bear signs of reviewers using templates to quickly churn out reports for personal gain

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