Can a tiny droplet of quantum fluid stop up-hill flowing liquid?

Since medieval times, the phenomenon of water flowing uphill has been considered miraculous, as...

Safe Handling of Corrosive Chemicals

Many chemicals found in chemistry laboratories or the workplace can be dangerous. These include poisonous, flammable, explosive, and corrosive chemicals, as we’ll explain in...

Exploring Methanetriol – “the Formation of an Impossible Molecule”

Exploring Methanetriol – “the Formation of an Impossible Molecule” What constitutes an “impossible molecule”? Well, here are two, the first being the topic of a...

Rational bottom-up synthesis of sulphur-rich porous carbons for single-atomic platinum catalyst supports

Green Chem., 2024, Advance ArticleDOI: 10.1039/D4GC02055C, Paper Open Access &nbsp This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.Koki Chida, Takeharu...

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