The economic impacts of ecosystem disruptions: Costs from substituting biological pest control | Science

Biodiversity loss is accelerating, yet we know little about how these ecosystem disruptions affect human well-being. Ecologists have documented both the importance of bats...

Banning friendships can backfire: Moms who ‘meddle’ make bad behavior worse

Delinquent activities almost always occur outside of the home and away from adult supervision, so it is only natural for parents to blame peers...

Climate change exacerbates the environmental impacts of agriculture | Science

Agriculture’s global environmental impacts are widely expected to continue expanding, driven by population and economic growth and dietary changes. This Review highlights climate change...

Scientists use magnetic nanotech to safely rewarm frozen tissues for transplant

Every day, people die waiting for an organ transplant. Time is at a premium, not just for those awaiting organs, but also for the...

A new role for intelligent tutors powered by AI in brain surgery?

Neurosurgery is perhaps one of the most demanding professions in healthcare. Surgeons spend long hours performing operations where expert performance means the difference between...

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