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Can Newly Arrived Lizards Survive Housewarming Party In The Form Of A Massive Drought?

Climate anomalies and competition reduce establishment success during island colonization (2022) Nicholson et al., Ecology and Evolution, The Crux The colonisation of islands by species...

Building materials for water-rich planets in the early solar system

Age data for certain classes of meteorite have made it possible to gain new findings on the origin of small water-rich astronomical bodies in...

Indian scheme to provide 300 research grants for women | News

Three hundred women in India have been selected to receive a research grant that will run over three years as part of a scheme...

US–China tensions appear to be damaging countries’ science, analysis finds | News

Increasing geopolitical tensions between the US and China are having a noticeable effect on the two countries’ research and may be harming global science, according...

Pictures from an organic chemistry laboratory

Pictures from an organic chemistry laboratory ...

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