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Climate influences pollinator roles in plant-pollinator networks – Ecology is not a dirty word

Saunders, Kendall, Lanuza, Hall, Rader, Stavert. Climate mediates roles of pollinator species in plant–pollinator networks, Global Ecology & Biogeography This was a fun collaboration that...

Glycolysis method breaks down mixed textiles for recycling | Research

A new chemical recycling strategy breaks down polyester and spandex into useful monomers, while keeping cotton and nylon intact and ready for reuse. The...

Las estrellas lejanas resaltan minilunas en los anillos de Saturno

This is an authorized translation of an Eos article. Esta es una traducción al español autorizada de un artículo de Eos. Los anillos de Saturno...

Between my desk and recycling bin

I am a fan of small amine-containing compounds with relatively short history in synthetic organic chemistry. Such molecules are admittedly hard to come by,...

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