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The prion principle and Alzheimer’s disease | Science

Similarities to molecular mechanisms underlying prion diseases may help to refine Alzheimer’s disease therapies

Our perennial rodent companions | Science

HomeScienceVol. 385, No. 6715Our perennial rodent companionsBack To Vol. 385, No. 6715 Full accessIntroduction to Special Issue Share on Our perennial rodent companionsCaroline Ash, Bianca Lopez, ...

The evolutionary history of wild and domestic brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) | Science

The brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) occupies nearly every terrestrial habitat with a human presence and is one of our most important model organisms. Despite this prevalence, gaps...

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Accurately predicting enzyme functions through geometric graph learning on ESMFold-predicted structures

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The importance of applying for funding early in your career | Careers

During my PhD journey, I had a peer named Denis who was known for his remarkable ability to travel the world. From the beaches...

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