Integration of scHi-C and scRNA-seq data defines distinct 3D-regulated and biological-context dependent cell subpopulations

Developing a computational method to integrate scHi-C and scRNA-seq dataTo comprehensively integrate scHi-C and scRNA-seq data, we developed a novel computational method, a multiomic...

Vitessce: integrative visualization of multimodal and spatially resolved single-cell data

Using VitessceVitessce is available in different forms to make it useful for multiple audiences. Researchers can use the R and Python packages to explore...

Decoding Missense Variants by Incorporating Phase Separation via Machine Learning

Collection of phase separation-related missense variantsTo investigate relationships between missense mutations and protein phase separation (PS) properties, we reviewed missense variants with altered PS...

Transcriptomic changes in oligodendrocyte lineage cells during the juvenile to adult transition in the mouse corpus callosum

Isolation of corpus callosum from juvenile and young adult mice and the assessmentThe diagram in Fig. 1a summarizes the experimental approach in this study, i.e.,...

Integrating network pharmacology and experimental validation to decipher the pharmacological mechanism of DXXK in treating diabetic kidney injury

Collection and verification of DXXK ingredientsSince DXXK capsules are herbal preparations, we searched for the corresponding ingredients using its most prominent API (D. nipponica...

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