Overcoming bias in estimating epidemiological parameters with realistic history-dependent disease spread dynamics

Development of an SEIR model incorporating realistic gamma distributions of latent and infectious periodsAmong various epidemiological compartmental models that can incorporate the latent and...

Identification of texture MRI brain abnormalities on Fibromyalgia syndrome using interpretable machine learning models

ParticipantsA total of 131 subjects were included in this study, 6 of them were excluded by the image quality control. 71 subjects were in...

New mul­ti­modal sig­na­ture could pre­dict immunother­apy suc­cess

An international team of researchers led by Francesca Finotello from the Digital Science Center (DiSC) and Department of Molecular Biology has derived a molecular...

Whale hello there! Scientific Outreach, Festival Edition – Naturally Speaking

Scientific outreach and research go hand in hand, with clear value in being able to communicate your science effectively and efficiently to the public....

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