Biophysical neural adaptation mechanisms enable artificial neural networks to capture dynamic retinal computation

Retina electrophysiologyRetina electrophysiology experiments were performed in two different labs. In the Manookin Lab, electrophysiological experiments were performed using ex vivo retina from a...

Exploring the impact of primer length on efficient gene detection via RNA sequencing

Reverse transcription (RT) is a fundamental process in RNA analysis, converting RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA). This step is essential for various techniques, including...

METASEED: a novel approach to full-length 16S rRNA gene reconstruction from short read data | BMC Bioinformatics

Simulated dataA key to the success of our approach lies in the ability to collect the best possible set of metagenome reads for each...

Enhancing SNV identification in whole-genome sequencing data through the incorporation of known genetic variants into the minimap2 index | BMC Bioinformatics

To evaluate the efficiency of the reference sequence index modification, a series of experiments were performed. The modified index contained both SNVs and indels...

SEARCHLIGHT – single-cell RNA-sequencing enabled acquisition of mRNA and consensus haplotypes linking individual genotypes and host transcriptomes

Understanding how viral populations evolve and adapt is crucial. Just like animals or plants, viruses exist as networks of different genetic types, connected through...

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