Understanding how diversity and disturbance affect biomass stock and productivity

Erica Rievrs Borges, Institut de recherche pour le développement in France, discusses her article: Evolutionary diversity impacts tropical forest biomass and productivity through disturbance-mediated...

Integrating large-scale single-cell RNA sequencing in central nervous system disease using self-supervised contrastive learning

Overview of scCM architecturescCM is constructed based on a momentum contrastive learning framework (MoCo v335) with the aim of learning informative representations of CNS...

EnzChemRED, a rich enzyme chemistry relation extraction dataset

The first subsection describes the development of the EnzChemRED, which is the main focus of this paper. The subsections that follow describe the development...

Systematic identification of post-transcriptional regulatory modules

Cell linesAll cells were cultured in a 37 °C 5% CO2 humidified incubator. The 293 T cells (ATCC CRL-3216) were cultured in DMEM high-glucose medium supplemented...

Using geotagged facial expressions to visualize and characterize different demographic groups’ emotion in theme parks

Alaei, A. R., Becken, S. & Stantic, B. Sentiment analysis in tourism: Capitalizing on big data. J. Travel Res. 58(2), 175–191 (2017).Article  ...

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