Antioxidant activities of Saudi honey samples related to their content of short peptides

Floral and geographical origin of the honey samplesThe microscopic analysis showed that the honey samples were of three floral origins; Acacia, Ziziphus and polyfloral...

LDAGM: prediction lncRNA-disease asociations by graph convolutional auto-encoder and multilayer perceptron based on multi-view heterogeneous networks | BMC Bioinformatics

Deep topology feature extractionTo cope with the problem of sparse network structure, we propose a multi-similarity network fusion method for deep topological feature extraction...

A prenatal skin atlas reveals immune regulation of human skin morphogenesis

Tissue acquisition and processingHuman developmental tissue samples used for this study were obtained from the MRC– Wellcome Trust-funded Human Developmental Biology Resource (http://www.hdbr.org) with...

Be-dataHIVE: a base editing database | BMC Bioinformatics

Base editing prediction tasksIn the base editing field, there exist two main computational tasks: the prediction of efficiency rates and bystander mutations (the latter...

Generalizable and automated classification of TNM stage from pathology reports with external validation

The research performed complies with all relevant ethical regulations; the institutional and IRB that approved the study protocol are Columbia IRB number AAAL0601. IRB...

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