Ijeoma Uchegbu: ‘My approach is always to be kind’ | Opinion

Ijeoma Uchegbu is a professor of pharmacy at University College London, UK, and will become president of Wolfson College, Cambridge in October 2024. She...

Should scientists be paid when AI chatbots use their work? | News

Scientists should be compensated and credited when artificial intelligence chatbots pull information from their papers, a collecting society has said. The call comes amid...

New European rules to curb deforestation have worrying flaws, scientists say

European Union faces calls to delay import policy set to take effect late this year

‘Sensational breakthrough’ marks step toward revealing hidden structure of prime numbers

Proof provides fresh tools to attack famed Riemann hypothesis, math’s biggest unsolved problem

Can infections cause Alzheimer’s? A small community of researchers is determined to find out

Following up tantalizing links between pathogens and brain disease, new projects search for causal evidence

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