Coffee experiment prompts method for accelerating aluminium–water reaction in seawater | Research

Adding small amounts of imidazole can accelerate the aluminium–water reaction in seawater, enabling hydrogen to be produced at a faster rate. The method, developed...

Chemical ‘waves’ used to encode words as Morse code | Research

Chemical ‘waves’ can be used to encode information in a similar way to radio waves. The team behind the work, led by Stephen Fletcher...

Why does the moon look larger on the horizon?

angle: The space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet. biology: The study...

Long hours are a short-term solution for skills shortages | Careers

The Greek government enacted legislation on 1 July to introduce what was widely reported as the six day working week. This allows private companies...

Therapeutic proteins can hitch a ride on parasite to bypass blood-brain barrier | Research

An engineered parasite could be used to deliver therapeutic proteins to patients’ brains. The blood-brain barrier protects animals’ brains by excluding large molecules and almost...

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