Hybrid metabolism allows bacterium to get most out of fermentation and respiration | Research

A strain of engineered Escherichia coli blends two forms of metabolism, enabling the bacterium to work with previously unusable carbon sources to help displace...

Layered material displays strength of ceramic with toughness of metal | Research

A new technique allows ceramics to become more ductile without losing their strength. It involves the controlled growth of a metal layer on the...

How complex life arose under extreme stress

There’s one thing plants and humans have in common – both are made up of single...

Sci-fi inspired spacesuit recycles pee into drinking water

arid: A description of dry areas of the world, where the climate brings toolittle rainfall or other precipitation to support much plant growth. astronaut: Someone...

Cryptic chemistry crossword #049

Can you take on this cryptic chemistry crossword challenge?

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