How early-life antibiotics turn immunity into allergy

Researchers at the University of British Columbia have shown for the first time how and why the depletion of microbes in a newborn's gut...

New view of North Star reveals spotted surface

Researchers using Georgia State University's Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) Array have identified new details about the size and appearance of the...

Spider exploits firefly’s flashing signals to lure more prey

Fireflies rely on flashing signals to communicate to other fireflies using light-emitting lanterns on their abdomens. In fireflies of the species Abscondita terminalis, males...

Wearable, stretchable sensor for quick, continuous, and non-invasive detection of solid-state skin biomarkers

Detecting diseases early requires the rapid, continuous and convenient monitoring of vital biomarkers. Researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Agency...

Preliminary study shows potential of Manuka honey as a nutraceutical for breast cancer

A new study led by investigators at the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center found that Manuka honey could potentially be an alternative, natural...

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