Saturday, January 18, 2025
HomeCREATIVITY10-Step Action Plan - Early To Rise

10-Step Action Plan – Early To Rise

I love telling this story about the power of the deadline.

It takes place in Toronto back when I was living there in 2008, and years before I was able to take over Early To Rise. At the time I was focused on building my online fitness business, Turbulence Training. For months I had been procrastinating on filming my Turbulence Training Certification. I was embarrassed and felt like a bit of a hypocrite.

One day I realized enough was enough and decided to do something drastic. I picked up the phone, called a local hotel, and put down a non-refundable $500 deposit on a conference room. Then I called a videographer and hired them —- at a non-refundable rate of $1000.

Now I was locked and loaded.

By doing that, I forced myself to do the necessary preparation, and nailed it. The filming went great.

Everyone struggles with getting some tasks done. Even me. Heck, especially me. So you’re not alone.

Now I want to carry on with an action plan for you. This is EXACTLY what I’d do if I was just getting started with an online business and wanted to earn a few dollars on the side. In fact, it’s exactly what I did when I still had a full-time J-O-B back in the beginning of 2006. This formula helped me make thousands of dollars in just a few weeks and allowed me to QUIT my job that summer!

As long as you have an email list of 100 subscribers or more, you can use this action plan to put money in the bank.


Here we go…

Step #1 – Set aside 20-30 minutes to plan out your next 12 months.

Step #2 – List every special event (your birthday, your kid’s birthdays, anniversary of when you launched your product or website, etc.

Heck, you can even make-up or hijack a holiday, like I do with Ballantyne’s Day every year. (Wait, what do you mean you call it Valentine’s Day?)

Step #3 – Plan out a product promotion around each one of those events

Step #4 – Go through every month of the year and look for ways to connect regular holidays to potential promos

Step #5 – In addition to planning your own promotions, make room for affiliate product promotions using this rule:

After you promote your own product, look for a complementary affiliate product to promote within 14 days.

Step #6 – After those two promotions, focus your energy on traffic getting strategies (SEO, Facebook Ads, Video marketing, etc.) and build your list.

Step #7 – Every time you DOUBLE your list size, promote your main product again (adding new bonuses each time to build your product library, if possible).

Step #8 – Do another complementary affiliate product promotion.

NOTE: It goes without saying, of course, that every one of your products and the affiliate products that you promote is of the highest quality. You never promote something just for the sake of promoting. You must only provide your clients with products that will add value to their lives.

Step #9 – List every single source of traffic that you can work on, as well as every affiliate you should be trying to get, and finally, every affiliate product that you can promote.

Step #10 – Return to traffic generation and list building. And keep going through the “Traffic-Promo-Affiliate” cycle.

This money-making plan is simple and doesn’t require you betting a ton of money on Facebook ads or other trickery. But this plan works. Guaranteed.

Take 30 minutes today to do this exercise and you’ll find a way to boost your income by 10-20% per month!

I do this all the time and it works really, really, really well.

So simple, yet so effective.

But if you want even faster results, then you need our NEW our 90-day Blueprint.

Do you want to accomplish 10x more in half the time? Download the free 90-Day Blueprint my coaching clients use to achieve greater success: 

Craig Ballantyne

10-Step Action Plan – Early To Rise

If you want to double your income, work less, and become the ambitious millionaire you’ve always wanted to be… Craig Ballantyne is the coach who will help you do it. With more than 20-years of experience as an entrepreneur and five 7-figure businesses under his belt, he specializes in helping “struckling” entrepreneurs get out of the mud and build the business of their dreams. To see if you qualify for Craig’s “Millionaire Coaching Program” send an email to with the subject line “Millionaire”.


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