ACC Statement on PlastChem Report on Plastic Additives

WASHINGTON (March 14, 2024) — Today the PlastChem project released a report on additives used in plastics. The following statement may be attributed to Dr. Kimberly Wise White PhD, Vice President of Regulatory and Technical Affairs for the American Chemistry Council (ACC):“Plastic additives provide many important benefits that enhance the function and durability of plastic products, enabling us to do more with less. Additives extend the life of wind turbines exposed to the elements, improve packaging to prevent food from spoiling, save energy by lightweighting products, stabilize plastics used in healthcare so they can be sterilized, and account for many other characteristics of plastic products that contribute to a healthier and more sustainable world.“We are encouraged that today’s report emphasizes the need for greater transparency around the use of plastic additives and potential health risks. The International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) supports these efforts and is already developing an additives database and risk assessment framework to provide critical information to regulators around the globe to help them make informed chemical management decisions. Once complete, this database will provide risk-based information and much greater transparency on additives in plastics.“Unfortunately, today’s report seeks to advance a hazard framework that ignores real-world exposures and paints an incomplete picture for regulators and the public. This contrasts with risk assessments, used to underpin the most effective chemical management laws. The report’s recommendation to regulate plastic additives using a hazard-based approach undermines the stated purpose of the report to use an ‘evidence-based path forward.’  “The report also disregards the significant work underway to increase governments’ chemical management capacities, as was recently agreed to via the newly adopted Global Framework on Chemicals (GFC). Under the GFC, countries work towards implementing legal frameworks to evaluate chemicals in a holistic manner, taking into consideration all uses of a chemical, not just their use as plastic additives. The global chemical industry has committed to supporting the buildout of chemical management capacity in 30 countries by 2030 where chemical management regulations do not yet exist.“Plastic and chemical makers around the globe are committed to ongoing innovations in products and processes that enable people to live more safely and sustainably.”  

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