Where to find my work

I am no longer updating this blog, but all my previous posts remain, and underneath this entry you’ll find a list of some of my all-time favourites. You can find out a bit more about me on the About page, or in this Career Ladder article on C&EN. Below is a non-exhaustive list of my non-fiction writing:

Crash Course Organic Chemistry episodes 22, 26, 28, 29, 36, 37, 38, 41, 43, 44, 45 and 47. My personal favourite is episode 41: Conjugation & UV-Vis Spectroscopy
Chemistry World – Nonsensical nomenclature: are we giving chemicals bad names?
The Skeptic: Dodgy diagrams in ads matter, if we want people to understand the value of chemistry
I’ve written science and chemistry content for several DK books, including the Explanatorium of Science, Super Science, the Visual Encyclopedia, and the Eyewitness Periodic Table
I also wrote a chapter in the book The Secret Science of Superheroes, titled Why Doesn’t the Invisible Woman Bump Into Things?

These days I work as a medical editor, and have limited time for non-fiction freelance work. If you have a really interesting project, though, feel free to reach out: you can contact me through this form, or find me on Twitter @chronicleflask.
For my fiction work, take a look at my other blog, the fiction phial.

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