Single Cell Expression Atlas 21 released

The Single Cell Expression Atlas (SCEA) 21 release is now live, and includes selected datasets that have been analysed externally, as well as new gut anatomogram and inferred cell type marker gene heatmap.

New datasets
The release has 381 single-cell RNA-Seq experiments, consisting of more than 13.5 million cells from 21 different species to explore in the Single Cell Expression Atlas (SCEA).
The resource now includes an entirely new class of data – externally analysed data, marked with an ‘E’ icon. These data are currently limited to a careful selection of eligible high-impact human datasets including the GTEx: snRNAseq atlas.
In addition, the team has re-analysed and added more datasets from various species (e.g. an important resource for studying ageing in the model organism Drosophila melanogaster – Aging Fly Cell Atlas Identifies Exhaustive Aging Features at Cellular Resolution or an interesting study in Arabidopsis: Single-cell RNA-seq of germinating Arabidopsis thaliana seeds).
New features
Gut anatomogram, a new human anatomogram for the large and small intestines has been added in this release and accompanies eligible experiments (e.g. E-GEOD-125970) .
The team has also added Inferred cell type marker gene heatmap for experiments where inferred cell type data is available. This allows the option to view marker genes based on the inferred cell type clusters.

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