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HomeSPRITIUAL3 Steps to Successful Personal Growth & Goal-Setting in the New Year

3 Steps to Successful Personal Growth & Goal-Setting in the New Year

There are a lot of New Year’s plans we make, only to break them come February. This may be a result of thinking short-term and setting unrealistic goals that are easy to shrug off when they aren’t met.

Strategic long-term planning allows you to shoot for personal and professional goals within reach.

As we continue into this New Year, reassess your resolutions that you have made for this year. Determine whether or not they are obtainable. Reserve some time to sit with yourself to figure out if those resolutions will truly best serve you and what new ones you can set that will.

The goals you set for yourself are meant to truly benefit you, not to fulfill expectations of what society thinks will make you happy.

Here are some ideas for successful goal planning

1. Short-Term Views to Reach Big Goals

Starting the year off by stating that you are going to accomplish a vague or unmeasurable goal will make it feel unobtainable.

Small Steps Big Changes3 Steps to Successful Personal Growth & Goal-Setting in the New YearFor instance, let’s say you tell yourself that this is the year that you are going to write a book. It may be easier to go the whole year being afraid even to start the book.

Why? Because of the feeling that if you don’t finish it, you haven’t accomplished the goal.

Instead, try telling yourself you will write a chapter a month this year. Or sign up for a writer’s workshop to fine-tune your ideas with others.

If you have a large life event coming up that requires a large amount of attention, set out a timeline of benchmarks for yourself, so you continue to make progress.

If you are unable to keep up, enlist the help of others to make sure that it all gets done on time.

Discover the powerful tools you need to bend reality so you can achieve your life goals, in this FREE Masterclass>>

2. Personal Growth

Take a moment to ask yourself some of the following questions:

Not all goal-setting should focus on a specific reward or financial gain. Evaluating what other realms of your life could use your attention to help you feel more fulfilled is a worthwhile activity. Committing to acts of service, adopting a spiritual practice, or an exercise routine in your daily schedule can all be rewarding in their own ways.

Progress bar loading future for personal growth or business improvementProgress bar loading future for personal growth or business improvementAllow yourself to set goals that are fun and help to create long-lasting, healthy lifestyle changes. Daily practices, such as journaling, painting, or crafting, help to alleviate stress and are a creative outlet most people fail to give themselves in their busy schedules.

Finding time seems too often to be a hindering factor but it is possible. For instance, a commitment to daily exercise will prolong your life, and you may improve both your mood and sleep.

3. Continuing Professional Education

It is possible that this is the year you finally set your sights on the promotion that you have been eyeing for years.

tips and questions on SMART goal setting - handwriting on a napkin with a cup of coffeetips and questions on SMART goal setting - handwriting on a napkin with a cup of coffeeSet SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals to motivate you to move in the direction to make them come true.

If possible, set a meeting with your supervisor to discuss the direction you see yourself evolving with the company. See what you can do to get there.

Continuing your education within your professional field is a way to make yourself more competitive. It also garners experience by continuing to work within your current role.

Acquiring additional education can open up a new realm of opportunities and aid in broadening your career options.

Making Your Goals a Year-Long Process

You can still set goals for the year after the first month has come and gone. Ask yourself some prodding questions to help you to focus your goals that can add value to your life.

Don’t place unneeded stress upon yourself by making them unobtainable. Write down realistic goals and take pleasure in checking them off throughout the year.

Gain Instant Clarity On What You Really Want In Life – And Have It All

There’s a reason that so many brilliantly talented, naturally creative, intelligent and capable people never reach their potential, and it is, quite simply, a lack of direction.

Even if you have a vague goal in mind, you still need a plan, a process to get you there.

You can have the most expensive, fastest car in the world, but if you set off without a clear idea of where you’re going, then the rusty old Beatle with a map and compass will beat you there every time.

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Where You will Learn:

Are you stuck on the hamster wheel of life, instead of rushing towards your fullest potential? Discover how to escape the 3 soul-crushing reasons most people unknowingly cheat themselves of their greatest lives.

Do you always set goals and rarely achieve them? It’s not your fault – traditional goal-setting is seriously incomplete! Discover how Lifebook empowers you to rapidly and consistently take charge of your life, and realize your every dream.

Experience the ‘Instant Clarity’ exercise: a powerful visualization exercise that guides you through your ideal day – and gives you instant clarity on who you really are, and what kind of life you really want to be living.

Step Into The New Year With A Crystal-Clear Vision For Your Ultimate Life


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