Saturday, January 18, 2025
HomeCREATIVITY⏱️ How to know if you’re being lazy — Dylan Dodson

⏱️ How to know if you’re being lazy — Dylan Dodson

⏱️ How to know if you’re being lazy — Dylan Dodson


I. Being “busy” is a form of laziness. It’s lazy both in thought and in action. It’s lazy in thought because it assumes busyness is out of your control; as if we are the victim while completely neglecting the fact that we choose how to spend our time.

It’s lazy in action because most of our “busyness” comes from a lack of planning. We spend hours scrolling on our phones, watching TV, and distracting ourselves at work instead of focusing on the task at hand.

I am not against phone use, TV, or distractions. Taking breaks and doing things you enjoy are important. But I am against assuming we are busy when our busyness is self-inflicting (click here to get my best and most practical strategies to help you feel less busy).

If you want to be in a better spot financially, you have to do the un-lazy work of budgeting. If you want to be in a better spot in your career, you have to do the un-lazy work of training and getting better. If you don’t want to be lazy, do the hard work of being intentional with your time.

“Busy” may sound impressive to others, but remember, busyness is a choice, not a virtue.

It’s easy to be lazy, that’s why we are prone to be “busy.” Being busy is most often used as a mask for avoiding the few critically important but uncomfortable actions that we need to take.


II. Motivation is helpful to get you started, but your habits are what actually get you to where you want to go. If you primarily rely on motivation, you will never accomplish your goal.

Below is an image I found online this week displaying why discipline and creating small but sustainable habits is the best thing you can do.


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